
So why am I blogging? The truth is I want to connect with marketers and business people, and share some of my experience. My aim is give hints and tips to less experienced marketers and maybe even provide a few helpful pointers to the more practised professionals. I hope you find it useful. I'd love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to post your comments.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Naming your New Product –Top Ten Tips

It’s a tricky process coming up with a name for a new product. Here are some things to consider that will avoid landing you in legal trouble, or worse, deter customers from buying it.
1.       Is it easily pronounceable by your target market? You might dream up an exotic sounding French-inspired name, but can it be pronounced by English speakers?
2.       If exporting the product, check the word doesn’t have a silly or offensive meaning in another language.
3.       Check trademark availability before commencing any packaging design. This could be an expensive stuff up if you’ve got to go back to the drawing board.
4.       Think about all the connotations of the new name. Think laterally across generations and cultures. What means one thing to a 20 year old may mean something else to an 80 year old.
5.       Check the name isn’t used for some other product category. You may have the rights to use it, but it will be unhelpful to your marketing efforts if people already associate the name with another product.
6.       Conduct some research among your target market. Remember I-snack 2.0? A very funky clever name but it irritated Vegemite consumers to a point where the name had to be changed after the product was launched.
7.       Does it fit well with other product names in your portfolio? If you have a naming convention in your brand guidelines, you will need to stick to this.
8.       Choose a name that will convey the quality or essence of the product.
9.       Consider the consumer. Will they be proud to say “I’ve got a XXX” without thinking “stupid name.”
10.   Check that the internet domain name is available for your chosen name. You might not be planning to use it now, but it could be important in the future.
Have you had any interesting experiences in naming a product? I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to add your comments below.

Struggling to come up with a product or business name? Contact CraftWrite for help. jill@craftwrite.com.au

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